But towing a caravan is not as simple as attaching a towbar to your vehicle and hitching up. There are a number of considerations that must be made.
“Towing adds another dimension to your driving,” said Bruce Hill, experienced caravanner and Prestige Jayco Geelong’s customer handover advisor. “There are a number of considerations a driver must make when towing.”
According to Bruce, you should address the following points before setting off:
• The vehicle’s towing capacity
• The type of towbar required and the maximum load capacity of the coupling
• The type of trailer you’re towing and whether it complies with the Australian regulations
• Any additional equipment required to increase the trailer’s towing stability
• Whether the caravan is correctly loaded
• How towing can affect your driving
• Safety checks to make before and during your trip
• Caravan insurance
To guide you through this process, Caravan Industry Victoria has produced a free National Vehicle Towing Guide, which is a great starting point for the towing beginner. For a copy of the National Vehicle Towing Guide, call Caravan Industry Victoria on 03 9329 5311 or visit www.towingguide.com.au.